Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Крах домашней прислуги в Sudirman Парк

Kristina Svechinskaya Daftar Hotel- падения с 29 этажа квартиры непосредственно Sudirman парка и скончался на месте. До сих пор, полиция пока не знаем, что вызвало падение женщины, которые работают в качестве домашней прислуги есть.

Hotel Murah di Bandung "Там может быть подведены как он ожидает результатов расследования на сцене (сцена)," сказал Kapolsek Тана Abang, Kompol Хендра Gunawan.

Об этом заявил Хендерсон, когда встретились в здание парламента, Senayan, Джакарта, для того, чтобы достойно и прилично испытания для потенциальных начальник полиции Пол Komjen Pradopo Востоке, в четверг (14/10/2010).

По словам Хендерсона, процесс идентификации на месте происшествия не было завершено. Кроме того, результаты экспертизы тела Веры также не достигли в своей руке.

"Это не будет совпадать с результатами мы сообщаем в поле. Так что не быть основаны на БАТ один, сказал он.

Когда его спросили, есть ли участие работодателя связанных падения Вера, Хендерсон не может обеспечить определенность. По его словам, экзаменационный процесс все еще продолжается, в том числе работодателя и двое его коллег, которые находились в квартире, когда произошел инцидент.

"Были четырех человек. Его мужем и женой работодателя и их друзья, мы должны проверить. Мы ждем", заключил он.

Веры падения с 29 этажа квартиры Sudirman Парк, Джакарте, в среду. Бедные женщины умерли со сломанными костями в некоторых частях его тела.

По Sudirman Парк Квартира Manager, Setiarti Харионо, Вера упала на в 11:15 вечера. Когда найден, Вера синих джинсах и черно-белые полосатые рубашки. Тело Веры в настоящее время доставлены в РСХД.

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Marilyn Monroe Confessing Depressed

Daftar Hotel Five decades after her death, Marilyn Monroe claims he is a dangerous woman, fragile and full understanding that fear turned crazy. His personal papers to be published for the first time next week, in this paper illustrated that the late star turned out to be nerds who often quote the English poet Milton and Sigmund Freud John when struck by the solitude of despair.

Hotel Di Seminyak Bali Recognition of the actress appeared in "Fragments" which is a collection of notes, personal letters and poetry he left behind to Lee Strasberg, spiritual teacher, before his death in Los Angeles in 1962 in the age of 36 years. Le Nouvel Observateur, the French weekly, published extracts of letters edited Bernard Comment, Swiss writer and Stanley Buchthal, who became the official owner of the Monroe memoirs. English edition of his memoir was published on 14 October by HarperCollins.

Monroe's famous for having a mental problem and like the works of literature. But his confession about terpribadinya life, from adolescence until near death comes, to answer questions about how real life women who are portrayed as dumb blond woman in his movies were.

"Why do I feel this torment?" he wrote in a diary in 1955. "Or why I feel less human than others (always feel they are at a situation that made me a half-man, on the other hand, why did I become the worst, why?) Even physically, I always believed that something was wrong with I am. "

As a star that was rising in the early 1950s, he wrote verse poem depicts her loneliness. "I was alone. I was always alone, whatever happens ..." In another poem, he bersanjak: "How would I ever like the dead and really dead." In 1961, Monroe write to Ralph Greenson, psikoanalisnya, that he read Freud's correspondence and found herself depressed. He also told how he slammed a chair to the window in a clinic, and threatened to cut off his hand veins. The next year, Monroe was found dead in her home because of an overdose of sleeping pills to swallow. A coroner confirm his death from suicide.

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Kejuaraan Dunia‎

Daftar Hotel Juara dunia 2005 Taufik Hidayat menjadi satu-satunya harapan Indonesia pada tunggal putra di Kejuaraan Dunia 2010 menyusul pengunduran diri Simon Santoso pada putaran kedua, hari ini.

Hotel Murah di Jakarta Mundurnya Simon yang menjadi unggulan delapan pada pertandingan yang digelar di Stadion Pierre de Coubertin, Paris, Prancis, memberi kemenangan bagi lawannya Hsueh Hsuan Yi dari Taiwan.

Menurut Sekjen PB PBSI Yacob Rusdianto yang mendampingi tim Indonesia di Paris, Simon mengalami cedera punggung saat melawan pemain Polandia Przemislaw Wacha pada putaran pertama, Selasa, sehingga tidak mampu bertanding.

"Cedera punggungnya waktu bermain dengan Wacha kemarin. Saya berharap istirahat sehari bisa sembuh, tetapi tadi pagi Agus [Dwi Santoso] pelatihnya, lapor tidak sanggup main, ya terpaksa WO (walkover)," kata Yacob.

Mundurnya Simon menyisakan Taufik sebagai satu-satunya harapan Indonesia di tunggal putra setelah unggulan keenam Sony Dwi Kuncoro juga mengundurkan diri beberapa hari sebelum turnamen dimulai karena cedera punggungnya kambuh.

"Ya, sayang Simon cedera, saya akan berusaha yang terbaik saja," kata Taufik mengomentari mundurnya Simon.

Taufik maju ke babak 16 besar setelah meraih kemenangan tiga game 19-21, 21-19, 21-9 atas pemain Taiwan Hsieh Yu Hsin dalam 53 menit.

Pada babak 16 besar, juara Olimpiade Athena 2004 yang menjadi unggulan kelima itu akan melawan pemenang antara unggulan 12 Kenichi Tago dengan Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk dari Thailand yang bertanding belakangan.

Unggulan ketiga sekaligus juara bertahan Lin Dan juga maju ke putaran ketiga setelah mengalahkan pemain tidak terkenal Henri Hurskainen dari Swedia 21-13, 21-15.

Dia berpeluang bertemu rekan senegaranya Bao Chunlai di babak kedua jika unggulan 10 tersebut berhasil mengalahkan lawannya David Snider dari Kanada di putaran kedua.

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Central Game Online

Daftar Hotel Sony Dwi Kuncoro berhasil keluar dari tekanan sehingga memenangkan duel melawan pemain Jepang, Sasaki Sho. Pada laga babak ketiga Taiwan Terbuka Grand Prix Gold, Kamis (5/8/2010), Sony yang merupakan unggulan kedua ini menang 21-10, 16-21, 21-11.

Hotel di Cirebon  Pada pertandingan yang berlangsung 49 menit ini, Sony sempat mendapat tekanan. Setelah menang dengan cukup mudah pada set pembuka dengan 21-10, Sony justru melempem pada set kedua. Sasaki bermain lebih agresif sehingga tidak pernah bisa dikejar oleh Sony, yang akhirnya kalah 16-21.

Namun, pada game ketiga yang menjadi penentuan, Sony "mengamuk". Selepas kedudukan 3-3, pemain pelatnas Cipayung ini meraup enam poin beruntun sehingga jauh berada di depan dengan keunggulan 11-5. Inilah momen yang membuat Sony tak terkejar lagi sehingga bisa mengakhiri game terakhir dengan 21-11.

Pada perempat final besok, Sony menghadapi Shon Wan Ho. Pemain Korea Selatan ini lolos setelah menang 18-21, 21-13, 21-18 atas unggulan kelima dari Malaysia, Hann Wong Choong.

Lolosnya Sony memastikan semua pemain tunggal putra dari pelatnas maju ke babak delapan besar turnamen berhadiah 200.000 dollar AS ini. Unggulan ketiga, Simon Santoso, lebih dulu melangkah ke perempat final. Ia kemudian disusul Dionysius Hayom Rumbaka. Hanya satu pemain tunggal putra Indonesia yang gugur di babak ketiga, yaitu pemain non-pelatnas, Alamsyah Yunus.

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Prediksi Jerman Vs Spanyol Central

Daftar Hotel Prediksi Jerman Vs Spanyol - Deutsch-spanische Duell counter morgen Abend ist ein Duell auf-21 zwischen den beiden Teams. Denn während Deutschland führte mit einem Score von 8-6.

Hotel di Palembang - Letztes Duell traten in Wien, wo Deutschland besiegt Spanien mit 1:0. Der Erfolg brachte auch in Spanien Europameister im Jahr 2008.

Doch für die 21. Auflage hat die deutsche Mannschaft eine ganz andere Zusammensetzung. Das Material erfahrensten Spieler wechseln, wo sie heute bermaterikan junge Spieler, die in einem Moment reif sind.

Während Spanien verfügt über ein Team, das nicht ganz anders. Doch die Stärke und Qualität, dass sie behauptet haben, besser zu sein als je zuvor. Offensichtlich konnten sie melenggan bis die World Cup-Halbfinale im Jahr 2010.

Statistisch gesehen, scheinen die Deutschen mehr überzeugend in die Angelegenheiten des Scoring. Total bis zum Ende des Quartals-Endrundenspiele, 13 Tore dilesakkan auf das gegnerische Tor und nur zweimal betrogen. Während in Spanien ist nur sechs Mal Einbruch in das gegnerische Tor in fünf Partien und kassierte dabei zweimal.

In der Angelegenheit der Gäste gegen jedes Team, sind auch Deutschland besser. 27 Tore am Ziel dilesakkan spanischen deutschen Spieler, während im Gegenteil, ist Spanien nur 22-mal abgerufen.

Conference Record Second Team: (Five Last Duel)
2008.06.29 - Deutschland 0-1 Spanien
2003.12.02 - Spanien 3-1 Deutschland
16/08/2000 - Deutschland 1.4 Spanien
1995.02.22 - Spanien 0-0 Deutschland
21/06/1994 - Deutschland 1.1 Spanien

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Prediksi Prancis Vs Afrika Selatan Terkini

Prediksi Prancis Vs Afrika Selatan Daftar Hotel - Kemenangan dengan banyak gol, dan pada saat sama laga Meksiko-Uruguay berakhir dengan kekalahan salah satunya juga dengan banyak gol, akan menghindarkan Afrika Selatan (Afsel) dari catatan buruk Piala Dunia; tuan rumah pertama yang gagal mencapai babak kedua.

 -Publik Afsel yakin Meksiko-Uruguay akan saling mengalahkan agar bisa memimpin klasemen. Runner up Grup A akan bertemu Argentina, juara Grup B, di babak kedua.

Namun publik Afsel pesimistis laga Meksiko-Uruguay akan diwarnai kemenangan salah satunya dengan banyak gol. Mereka juga tidak yakin Bafana Bafana bisa menang atas Prancis dengan lebih dari dua gol.

Meski demikian publik Afsel masih akan memadati stadion, meniup vuvuzela, untuk memberi dukungan terakhir kepada tim kesayangannya. Setelah itu mereka akan mengalihkan dukungan ke tim Afrika yang tersisa di babak kedua. Itu pun kalau ada.

Kegagalan Afsel telah diramalkan sejak jauh-jauh hari. Mereka adalah tim terlemah di Piala Dunia 2010, meski bermain di depan pendukungnya. Dukungan publik, dan senyum Nelson Mandela, tidak cukup membuat mereka menjadi kuat.

Namun Afsel sempat menghidupkan harapan publiknya ketika pada laga pertama menahan Meksiko 1-1. Tapi setelah dikalahkan Uruguay tiga gol tanpa balas, peluang lolos ke babak kedua seperti tertutup.

Meski demikian ada harapan Afsel bisa menutup penyisihan Grup A dengan kemenangan, meski mungkin tidak dengan banyak gol, karena lawan yang dihadapinya adalah Prancis -- tim paling bermasalah di Piala Dunia 2010.

Prancis melewati dua laga tanpa bisa mencetak gol, dan meraih satu angka. Afsel sedikit lebih baik dengan produksi satu gol, tapi kebobolan lebih banyak.

Moral Le Bleus berada pada titik terendah menyusul pertengkaran antarpemain, dan ulah Nicolas Anelka mengecam pelatih. Anelka dipulangkan, dan sebagian pemain menolak berlatih sebagai protes atas keputusan pemulangan Anelka.

Tsepo Masilela, fullback Afsel, mengatakan Prancis -- meski dilanda berbagai masalah -- masih akan berlaga untuk menang. Ia yakin Les Bleus akan memanfaatkan laga terakhir untuk memperbaiki reputasinya.

Prancis hanya akan kehilangan Anelka, dan pelatih Raymond Domenech akan menurunkan tim yang sama sekali berubah. Thierry Henry akan menggantikan Anelka di lini depan. Sydney Govou kemungkinan meninggalkan perannya di sisi kanan.

Sebagai gantinya, Franck Ribery beroperais di kanan, dan Yoann Gourcuff menjadi playmaker.

Yang tidak diketahui adalah apakah Prancis masih memiliki kekuatan mental untuk bertarung, dan memberi tantangan sesungguhnya kepada Afsel. Domenech menginstruksikan pemainnya untuk bertempur sampai akhir. Namun, apakah ocehan Domenech masih didengar.

"Menjadi kompetitor berarti bertempur setiap saat, bahkan saat peluang telah begitu tipis," kata Domenech.

Carlos Alberto Parreira, pelatih Afsel, tidak bisa menurunkan Itumeleng Khune -- yang diganjar kartu merah saat laga melawan Uruguay. Moeneeb Josephs akan menggantikannya.

Lini tengah Afsel juga tanpa Kagisho Dikgachoi, yang terkena hukuman. Parreira tidak akan melakukan perubahan apa pun selain mengganti Dikgachoi dan Khune.

"Kami ingin tetap berharap selagi kami bisa," katanya. "Ini soal kebanggaan. Piala Dunia adalah mimpi, dan semua orang harus mengejarnya, bahkan di saat peluang sangat kecil."

27-05-2010 Prancis 2 - 1 Kosta Rika
31-05-2010 Tunisia 1 - 1 Prancis
04-06-2010 Prancis 0 - 1 China
12-06-2010 Uruguay 0 - 0 Prancis
18-06-2010 Prancis 0 - 2 Mexico

Afrika Selatan
01-06-2010 Afrika Selatan 5 - 0 Guatemala
05-06-2010 Afrika Selatan 1 - 0 Denmark
05-06-2010 Zambia 1 - 1 Afrika Selatan
11-06-2010 Afrika Selatan 1 - 1 Meksiko
17-06-2010 Afrika Selatan 0 - 3 Uruguay

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Video Hot Luna Maya

Daftar Hotel Video Luna Maya Ariel - Luna Maya and Ariel are asked to immediately get married. This comical presenters expressed Adul who admitted to not knowing about the circulation of news-like video nasty couple.

Hotel di Padang "I do not know like that-begituan. Maybe it has not been sent as a child," said Adul said, joking when talking with tabloidnova.com in the New Market area, Central Jakarta, Friday (04/06/2010) evening.

"Hence, both married dah lo. Ariel same dah married Luna. Do that stuff, should be good," said Adul who will soon marry a woman named Fatma Noor Alizia this.

Adul reluctant to guess whether there are true lovers in the video it is Ariel and Luna. 'But this we know baseball as well. Either he is or not, we may guess baseball, "said Adul that was not too concerned with image selebritisnya.

"I do not worry, as long as we do baseball stuff, do not be too," he said.

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Obat Jerawat

Obat Jerawat Daftar Hotel - Problem skin care problems, especially the face, can be prevented or avoided as early as possible. According to Dr. Lilik Liana cosmetologist, most important do is to maintain the cleanliness of the skin.

Hotel di Padang"Because acne is also there kumannya, called the P acne. With diligent cleaning, can avoid these skin diseases," said Liana Lilik.

Also avoid the causes that have not been addressed, such as hormonal disorders, everyday care usage is wrong, unhealthy skin and oily skin and stress factors that always arise.

"Hormonal factors also must be considered. The use of family planning or hormone injections during pregnancy, can cause spots. Immediately treat, because the more deeply will be increasingly difficult to treat," he explained.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Suzuki Splash

Suzuki Splash Daftar Hotel - montants Sari ans ont fans étonnant dans le pays, chaque année depuis que vous avez déjà existantes dans le domaine au cours de sa carrière.

J'avais l'habitude de conduire

Hotel di Medan Splash est un chanteur nommé formations, qui lève la main, était une présentatrice dans de nombreux endroits (VIVA TV, Stephen King - Société MTV ...), mais les pièces principales et les talents de la chanson címlaplánykodott temps voulu ainsi. Franchement, ce que nous avons observé en son talent.

La relation avec la plupart des voitures utilisation est limitée, cependant supprimé Pak mégots de cigarettes, versenysorozatunkon popularité intacte.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Masalah Pacaran

Daftar Hotel Pacar Sewaan - Maia rumeur de rencontrer un homme d'affaires de Estianty Kalimantan, bien qu'il le nie. Maia admis cherche homme qui sont prêts à accueillir ses trois fils, Al, El, et Dul.

Hotel di Hong Kong «Je suis à la recherche de la même paire I. J'ai déjà eu trois enfants. Il ne voulait pas, étant donné un cadeau comme ça", a expliqué Maia qui dietmui dans Pondok Indah, Sud Jakara, mardi (11 / 5).

Après le divorce avec Ahmad Dhani, Maia n'avait jamais été vu de près aux hommes. Regret Flakes chanteur veut plus se concentrer sur sa carrière de chanteuse.

"J'ai peut-être une fois pris dans la vie domestique. Mais si je suis maintenant utilisée indépendamment. Si par exemple j'ai un compagnon, il voulait juste continuer à faire du mal, pourquoi?" Maia a continué.

Cependant, parce que le menjomblo commère semble bien désagréable pour lui. Pourtant, il a estimé normal que cette veuve Ahmad Dhani.

«Si je ne suis toujours pas de bonnes nouvelles tout le temps. Yabng outre-posté nouvelles comme ça, une sombre-sangar tous. Oui, le petit ami d'affaires, le patron-boslah. Grande Estianty Maia vraiment bien, dit-il.

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Koreana Bali Film

Daftar Hotel - Cowboys film unfinished cases in Paradise, now residents of Bali back commotion with the emergence of a pornographic video which took place in Kuta Beach background. Video duration of 22 minutes of oral sex scene shows a woman with a male Caucasian face Indonesia.

Hotel di Bali In the early minutes of the video, the cameraman who was also an actor in the film's atmosphere of Kuta Beach to take pictures using a video camera. Looks thousands of tourists on vacation and when it was in progress a surfing championship.

After that, came the figure of actor-faced woman of Indonesia. The woman was cool to drink beer by the beach as she laughed heartily. Even the woman had bought a meatball on street vendors in the area of Kuta Beach.

After the scene at the beach is over, the title appears before the entry into scenes Koreana vulgar. In a scene worthy of these sensors, the main star to perform oral sex female Caucasian man who continues to record images on a hotel balcony in Kuta Beach Road. After doing "his duty", the woman says, "Welcome to Heaven," and the camera is directed to the Kuta Beach street.

Knowing this video circulated widely in the community, Bali Police are now investigating who act for this video spreaders. "If the views, impressions are made not only the professional and personal documentation. However, we will prosecute anyone who spread this video," said Head of Bali Police Public Relations Kombes Sugianyar Gede Putra Dwi in Bali Police Headquarters, Wednesday (05/05/2010).

Sugianyar add, this video has actually been made quite some time, around 2003. However, the new spread rampant lately. "Police Poltabes Kuta and Denpasar, the region has also been investigating this case, 'he concluded.Koreana Bali

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Download Cowboys in Paradise Film

Download Cowboys in Paradise Daftar Hotel - Kehadiran 'Cowboys in Paradise', film dokumenter yang menampilkan kisah para gigolo di Bali, menarik perhatian banyak pihak, termasuk artis. Shahnaz Haque pun menganggap film itu bisa menurunkan nilai pariwisata Bali.

Hotel di Surabaya"Adanya pembuatan film ini akan membuat nilai pariwisata di Bali menurun," ujarnya saat ditemui di acara HP Probook 'Inspiring Women', Plaza FX, Jl. Jend Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (28/4/2010).

Perempuan yang kini berusia 37 tahun itu berharap pemerintah memiliki strategi untuk mengembalikan imej Pulau Dewata. Shahnaz pun minta supaya pemerintah seharusnya menjadikan kontroversi 'Cowboys in Paradise' sebagai tantangan baru bukan sebuah masalah.

Shahnaz pun tidak menyalahkan Amit Virmani, sutradara yang menggarap 'Cowboys in Paradise'. Amit hanya menampilkan sisi lain kehidupan Bali yang mungkin belum pernah diungkapkan ke publik.

"Jangan-jangan dia membuat film ini untuk membuat mata dunia melihat bahwa ada tempat yang namanya Bali butuh bantuan," jelasnya.

Kamis, 22 April 2010


Daftar Hotel Zodiak Entertainment Distribution has acquired international rights to distribute three hotly anticipated shows from the UK and US.

Hotel di Surabaya It will launch the MTV reality format and finished show Hired, BBC2's popular and long-running comedy panel Mock the Week and Channel 4's incisive factual format Tower Block of Commons to international buyers at MIPTV 2010.

Hired (format and 20 x 30’ finished show) is the new MTV US reality series that tags along as recent college grads go on their first big job interview. Due to premiere in the US in May 2010, each episode will feature job seekers vying for a different gig in a unique industry, ranging from a junior designer to an assistant stylist to a talent booker for LA’s trendiest and hottest companies.

Mock The Week, is the long running, hilarious satirical panel show produced by Angst productions for the UK BBC2. It is the channel’s top rated comedy programme and one of the most popular downloads from BBC iplayer. Despite its long-established success, Mock The Week will debut at MIPTV this year. Featuring two teams of three comedians and a razor sharp host, it is the edgiest arena on television.

Completing the trio is the 4 x 60' finished programme and format Tower Block Of Commons. Produced by Love Productions for Channel 4 in the UK it attracted impressive audience figures in its primetime slot, peaking at 2 million viewers as well as making headlines in local newspapers. Tower Block of Commons is a poignant new format, which has relevance in a large number of international territories.

Zodiak Entertainment head of format acquisitions Ilan Astrug said, "These new third party acquisitions will fortify and compliment our strong group line up. We are delighted to partner with such respected, established companies."

Zodiak Entertainment head of format sales Matthieu Porte added, "The variety of our line up is such that every broadcaster in the world has a reason to meet Zodiak..

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Krisdayanti Jelas Selingkuh

Daftar Hotel Setali tiga uang dengan sang kakak, Yuni Shara, Krisdayanti mengatakan tidak takut dilaporkan Silvalay Noor Athalia alias Atta Lemos ke Polda Metro Jaya, terkait hubungannya dengan suami Atta, Raul Lemos. "Saya nggak gentar untuk melakukan pembelaan atas apa yang memang layak saya terima. Saya akan coba memahami semuanya tanpa kegusaran, tapi kepala dingin," ungkap perempuan yang akrab disapa Yanti itu seperti ditayangkan dalam Hot Shot di SCTV Jumat (16/4).

Hotel di Jakarta Pengakuan KD disusul kemunculan Raul Lemos yang boleh dibilang menyulut beragam reaksi lantaran menyebut dirinya adalah seorang duda di hadapan media. "Secara intern, saya sudah berstatus duda," kata-kata itulah yang keluar dari mulut Raul. Menurut Raul, bukan KD yang menyebabkan pernikahannya hancur. Ia bahkan menemui keluarga besar Krisdayanti untuk memberitahu status dudanya tersebut [baca: Raul Lemos Bela Yuni-KD].

Berita sebelumnya menyebutkan, Yuni Shara tak gentar dilaporkan Atta ke pihak kepolisian dengan pasar berlapis. Yuni menilai pernyataan Raul dapat menguatkan dirinya jika urusan ini memang dibawa ke meja hijau

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

World Cup 2010

World Cup 2010 Daftar Hotel - More than 100,000 FIFA 2010 World Cup tickets were sold in first 24 hours of an over-the-counter sales drive in South Africa, FIFA announced on Friday.

Hotel di Bandung"The demand for tickets within the 2010 FIFA World Cup host country continues to grow as the fifth and last sales phase enters its second day as thousands of football fans queued at the 11 ticketing centers in all host cities and the 600 bank branches nationwide", Horst R. Schmidt, chairman of FIFA's ticketing-sub-committee said in a statement.

He added that FIFA was very pleased with the interest and with the latest figures.

As of noon on Friday, a number of knock-out stage matches including the three round of 16, one quarter final and the third and fourth place play-off, 28 Group games were still available.

"Due to the high demand, a total of 29 matches are currently no longer available (including the final, the two semi-finals and the opening game as well as all games in Durban and Cape Town)."

He said that tickets for these games might still come back into circulation in small quantities to the public sales in the future if corporations declined to take up their full allocations.

On Thursday FIFA released the last 500 000 out of three million World Cup tickets in the fifth and final phase of sales.

This was the first time World Cup tickets have been available for sale over the counter in South Africa. There was chaos at some sales points as computers struggled to cope with the volume of sales.

Late on Friday there were still long queues in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

South Africa will host the World Cup from June 11 to July 11.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

World Cup 2010

Cara Cepat Hamil France coach Raymond Domenech has warned that he would "shoot" any players unable to put aside their egos for the sake of the French team at the World Cup.

Buku Panduan Cara Cepat Hamil"The lesson is that they must be intelligent and leave their egos behind and think that it is the team that counts, not them," Domenech told L'Equipe newspaper.

"If they haven't understood that, I'll shoot! The final list must be unveiled on June 1."

Domenech also warned that a player named in his initial 23-man squad on May 11 could be jettisoned before the World Cup should he show a bad attitude in training.

"It's possible," he admitted. "The real problem, once again, is that everyone leaves their ego behind. I've already told them, I can say it again, insist on it."

France play warm-up games against Costa Rica in Lens on May 26, Tunisia away in Rades four days later, and China on the Indian Ocean French territorial island of Reunion on June 4 before disembarking in South Africa.

Their Group A pool matches see the French facing Uruguay in Cape Town on June 11, Mexico in Polokwane six days later, and hosts South Africa in Bloemfontein on June 22.

Domenech said his goal was now to craft together a squad that could "perform the best possible on June and go through until July 11", the date of the World Cup final.

"We will do everything to do it (win the World Cup)," he said. "But that will come from the inside. The players must be persuaded of that.

"The players are the motor and it's them who will advance the machine.

"It's for that reason that selection is vital."

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Titans remake is an 'epic fail'

Tips Hamil If you have already seen the unfortunate remake of the 1981 Desmond Davis film, “Clash of the Titans” read no further - your money and time have already been wasted and you will gain little benefit from this review. French director Louis Letterier manages to make a Greek epic into an epic fail with an attempted facelift on a revered classic. The star power of Liam Neeson (Zeus) and Ralph Fiennes (Hades) could not salvage the film’s stale and disjointed script and almost amusingly bad acting.

Buku Panduan Lengkap Cara Cepat HamilThe film wastes no time in introducing an oddly clean-cut Sam Worthington playing the role of Perseus, the illegitimate son of Zeus. Worthington somehow manages to play the exact same character he played as Mike Sully in the film “Avatar” - initially wounded and resistant to responsibility, then abruptly cocky upon discovering his destiny to take down “the man.”

The film purges all chances of character development for the sake of meaningless battle scenes and special effects. Perseus leads a crew of characters which the audience has no reason to care about on various quests. Persues embarks to claim Medusa’s head and defeat the infamous “Kraken” before it devours Princess Andromeda and destroys the coastal city of Argos.

Big whoop.

The audience’s attachment to the princess and the city is nonexistent. Instead, Perseus whines about the gods and doesn’t even kill enough creatures to warrant his hubris. When the Kraken is finally exposed, any hopes of an incredible battle scene are promptly sunk, along with the creature in the bottom of the Aegean.

Save your money and borrow the original film from the library. You will be far more satisfied and less embarrassed for the film-making community. One star.